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Premier Paper continues environmental commitment
The #PremierPaperGroup is offering customers and their clients the opportunity to capture the #CO2 #emissions from their #paper purchases...

A-tissue! Antalis boosts paper hygiene range with Katrin eco friendly offer
Responding to rising demand for eco friendly paper hygiene products, #Antalis has added a new sustainable range of premium hand towels,...

Waste: Danone join Ecosurety to boost recycling traceability
The UK arm of global food and beverage company #Danone has signed a three year deal that will see #Ecosurety manage its #packaging #waste...

Packaging: Coca-Cola and Ioniqa to transform hard to recycle plastic into food grade PET
The #Coca-Cola Company has announced a new agreement extending a loan to #Ioniqa Technologies to facilitate the development of Ioniqa's...

Business: Stora Enso rated a global leader for climate action by CDP
#StoraEnso has been top rated in combatting global warming by the international non profit organisation #CDP, which works to build a...

Paperboard: Metsä Board scores ‘A’ for both CDP Climate and CDP Water programmes
#Metsä Board has once again been highlighted as a global leader in corporate sustainability by #CDP, a non profit global environmental...

Forests: BillerudKorsnäs scored A for protecting forests
#BillerudKorsnäs has been highlighted as a global leader in tackling deforestation by environmental impact non-profit CDP, achieving a...
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