The #Prince’s #Countryside #Fund has commissioned academic researchers at the University of #Exeter to undertake a study on the social benefit, functions of, and prospects for, #livestock auction marts in the UK.
The Fund would like to hear from auctioneers, livestock owners and any other stakeholders who use auction marts as they research the unique contribution these businesses make to the UK’s #rural communities. People have until 28 February to share their views at
The research, backed by the Livestock Auctioneers Association, wants to find out what livestock auction marts contribute to the agricultural sector, the rural economy and communities and the countryside.

Claire Saunders, director of The Prince’s Countryside Fund, said: ‘We have commissioned this research following our work with the Livestock Auctioneers Association. We understand that Auction Marts are often at the heart of their agricultural communities, however, we are aware of the difficulties that many of these businesses are facing. We hope that this research will offer practical recommendations to help them prepare for the future and ensure their long term survival.’
Professor Michael Winter OBE, Professor of Land Economy and Society at the Centre for Rural Policy Research at the University of Exeter, said: ‘We are anxious to hear from all those with a stake and interest in the future of livestock market in the UK, to help us identify examples of good practice as markets adapt to changing demands and circumstances.’
Evidence should be submitted by February 28 2020.