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Green Solutions online magazine
Full page A4 advert : £1250
Half page advert: £650
Quarter page/strip advert: £350
Green Solutions website
Box ad (for three months): £350
Box ad (for six months): £550
Box ad (for one year): £750
Social media packages also available on request.
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About us
The Earth Island team has more than 100 years of media, marketing and publishing experience across print and online publications.
Earth Island publishes a diverse range of information across several markets.
We believe in partnering with the industries in which we work, supporting organisations, suppliers and readers by forming strong partnerships and providing relevant and pertinent information to help make business a success.
As well as our off line and online publications, we can also work with you as a partner for your contract publishing, copywriting, event organisation, marketing and promotions, and content licensing, and so much more!
Let us know what you need, and we will help. And, if you aren't sure what you need, give us a call – we are full to the brim with creative ideas.