It can be challenging to balance corrosion protection and worker safety in manufacturing, since many powerful corrosion inhibitors are hazardous chemicals. However, #Cortec Corporation has repeatedly demonstrated the potential for replacing many traditional hazardous materials with more environmentally responsible, user friendly alternatives such as Cortec’s #VpCI-386 #water based #coating.
Just last year, Cortec was able to help a refrigerator coil manufacturer replace a solvent based coating with a water based coating for increased worker safety and better corrosion protection. The manufacturer was using the solvent based paint to coat new refrigerator coils.
This exposed workers to a strong solvent smell and associated hazards. To make matters worse, the paint did not provide the long term level of corrosion protection desired. Cortec was able to introduce VpCI-386 to the manufacturer as a water based corrosion inhibiting alternative, helping the company reduce its solvent VOCs and providing the desired corrosion protection.
VpCI®386 is a fast drying water based acrylic one coat system topcoat that can be applied direct to metal for protection in harsh, outdoor, unsheltered applications. The complex mixture of corrosion inhibitors offers protection that competes with most paints and zinc rich primers.
VpCI-386 comes as a clear coat for minimal change to the surface appearance, or it can be matched to most custom colors.