More than half (57%) of UK adults say their mental health is affected by the climate crisis, says the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). These results were revealed in its 2024 Public Perceptions Survey.
It also showed that this rises to 63% for those aged 16 to 24 and to nearly three quarters (73%) of people who have experienced a mental health issue in the last five years.
‘Climate change is unequivocally severely impacting both physical and mental health with those most vulnerable at greatest risk,’ said Deborah Lane, a BACP member and therapist who works with children and their families. ‘It is the greatest threat facing humanity.’
‘Climate emotions range from worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, helplessness to hopelessness, sadness, despair, and anger and can result in individuals feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and immobilised, experiencing disruption to daily function,’ added Deborah.
Nearly two-thirds of therapists also told BACP they believe climate anxiety is one of the reasons they have seen a decline, this year, in people’s mental health in its annual survey of registered therapists.
BACP member, therapist and climate psychologist Linda Aspey says climate change used to feel distant for most people in the UK, but in the last few years it is starting to feel closer to home. ‘With more extreme weather events like floods, droughts and fires, and related issues of loss of biodiversity in nature, pollution in our air, soil and water, and talk of food insecurity, it is not surprising that more than half of people in the UK are worried about climate change.
‘These emotions are often called eco anxiety or climate anxiety and yet it is more nuanced than that. It is sometimes a mixture of distress, frustration, anger, grief and even numbness – all very normal and natural responses to the losses and the uncertainties we face.’
Deborah added, ‘For many, having their feelings acknowledged and understood helps them to move through their difficulty and paralysis, and leads to hope, connection with others.’

Tips on how to cope with climate anxiety
Start a conversationLinda believes we need to talk about what is happening so we can build greater resilience, better relationships, and stronger communities.
‘This could be chatting with friends, going to a Climate Café listening circle, joining a local support group, or seeing a registered counsellor to help work through your feelings.’’
Get involvedDeborah suggests getting involved with organisations and projects like Carbon Conversations, The Work that Reconnects, and Active Hope, as well as initiatives through organisations such as the Climate Psychology Alliance and Transition Towns who offer networking and support for individuals.
She said, ‘There is good evidence that getting involved in climate action can have a protective effect and boost good mental health, building connections, hope, and agency.’
‘One of the questions people most ask themselves is ‘What can I do?’ There is lots of ways to get involved that help both you and others,’ said Linda.
‘Think about the skills you already have – you might be a great listener who could learn to facilitate climate cafes in your own community. Or you might be good at writing, painting or cooking – local environmental or climate activist groups are always looking for help with marketing, promotions and holding community meetings.’
Get outsideLinda suggests arranging regular walks with friends or going on a foraging course to learn more and sharing what you learn.
‘Being out in the natural world is proven to boost wellbeing – even if you go out only for a few minutes a day.
‘Equally important is managing just how much news you take in – and helping others to do the same. ‘Doom scrolling’ can become horribly addictive, so putting away phones and getting outdoors is a great antidote.’
Get some support‘Sessions with a climate aware therapist will support individuals to explore and make meaning of their distress,’ said Deborah.
‘Having their feelings acknowledged and understood often brings significant relief, and often leads to seeking out others to take collective climate action, building community and bringing a sense of hope.’